Items where Division is "Fakultas Kedokteran" and Year is 2019

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Number of items: 186.


Dasman, Hardisman (2019) Empat dampak stunting bagi anak dan negara Indonesia. The Conversation.


FK, Unand (2019) Analysis of Massage Effect on Infant’s Growth and Development. International Journal of Research and Review, 6 (12). ISSN 2454-2237

Hendriati, dkk (2019) Buku Panduan Dosen Blok 3.4 Indera Khusus. 000140928.

FK, Unand (2019) Choledochal Cysts on 2 Years-Old Girl : A Case Report. International Journal ofClinical Pediatrics and Child Health, 1 (2). ISSN e-ISSN: 2656-2308 p-ISSN: 2656-2316

FK, Unand (2019) The Comparison of RhoC and PI3K Gene Expression on the Breast Cancer Tissue and Benign Tumour Tissue. Open Acces Macedonia Journal of Medical Sciences, 19 (4). ISSN 1857 - 9655

FK, Unand (2019) Differences in Brain-DerivedNeurotrophic Factor and Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 between Appropriate Neonates between Normal Birth Weight and Intrauterine Growth Restriction. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 7 (5). ISSN 1857-9655

FK, Unand (2019) Epidermal Growth Factor and Adenosine Triphosphate Induce Natrium Iodide Symporter Expression in Breast Cancer Cell Lines. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 7 (13). pp. 2088-2092. ISSN 1857 - 9655

FK, Unand (2019) Mean Differences of TNF-α and PIBF Levels in < 12th Gestational Weeks Pregnant Women with Imminent Abortion. World Journal of Research and Review, 8 (4). ISSN 2455-3956

FK, Unand (2019) Oral Contraceptive Used More than 5 Years in Associated than 5 Years in Associated with Increased Risk of Breast Cancer : A Meta-Analysis of 28,776 South East Asian Women. Systematic Reviews in Phramacy. pp. 137-147. ISSN 0975 - 8453

FK, Unand (2019) Prognostic Factors of Local-Regional Recurrence in Patients with Operable Breast Cancer in Asia: A Meta-Analysis. Open Acces Macedonia Journal of Medical Sciences, 7 (4). ISSN 1857 - 9655

FK, Unand (2019) Relationship between leptin levels and lipid profile in obesity adult inPuskesmas Nanggalo Padang working area. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 7 (2). ISSN 2320 - 6071

FK, Unand (2019) Risk Factors for Acute Respiratory Infection in Children Under Five in Padang, Indonesia. Journal of Maternal and Child Health, 4 (2). ISSN 2549-0257

LPPM Unand (2019) Sertifikat HAKI Panduan Dosen Blok 3.4 (Indera Khusus). 000140928.


Hardisman, Dasman (2019) Kanker yang Membunuh: Faktor Risiko Lingkungan dan Gaya Hidup Lebih Dominan Ketimbang Genetik. The Conversation.

Hardisman, Dasman (2019) Mengapa kita perlu kritis dan berhati-hati dengan heboh ‘obat kanker’ dari bajakah. The Conversation.

Hardisman, Hardisman (2019) Beban Gizi Ganda Masih Jadi Persoalan di Tanah Air. Antara News, 26 Januari 2019.

Hardisman, Hardisman (2019) Benarkah Wanita Berhijab Kekurangan Vitamin D? Ini Penjelasan Peneliti. National Geographic Indonesia.

Hardisman, Hardisman (2019) Cegah Kanker lewat Gaya Hidup Sehat. Padang Ekspres.

Hardisman, Hardisman (2019) Gadget dan Perkembangan Psikologis Anak. Padang Ekspres.

Hardisman, Hardisman (2019) Memaknai Hari Gizi Nasional. Padang Ekspres.

Hardisman, Hardisman (2019) VA, Fenomena Prostitusi dan Hipokrit Sosia. Antara News.


ICT FK, ICT FK (2019) SK Pembuat Soal Blok 3.3 Ganjil 2018-2019 Revisi. FK Unand.

ICT FK, ICT FK (2019) Surat Tugas Koordinator CBT Center Juli 2018. FK Unand.


ICT FK UA, ICT FK UA (2019) AEE WISUDA I Periode Tahun 2019. FK Unand. (Unpublished)

ICT FK UA, ICT FK UA (2019) Daftar List Penerima Beasiswa Mahasiswa FK Unand Periode 2017-2018 Dan jenis Beasiswa nya. FK Unand. (Unpublished)

ICT FK UA, ICT FK UA (2019) Data Jumlah dan Jenis Beasiswa yang diterima Mahasiswa FK Unand Periode 2017-2018. FK Unand. (Unpublished)

ICT FK UA, ICT FK UA (2019) Jumlah Mahasiswa yang terdaftar Tahun 2018-2019. FK Unand. (Unpublished)

ICT FK UA, ICT FK UA (2019) Pangkat Dosen FK Beserta Pendidikan Terakhir. FK Unand. (Unpublished)

ICT FK UA, ICT FK UA (2019) Penerima Beasiswa Mahasiswa FK Unand Periode 2017-2018. FK Unand. (Unpublished)

ICT FK UA, ICT FK UA (2019) SK Blok 3.3 - Kuliah Pengantar Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand. (Unpublished)

ICT FK UA, ICT FK UA (2019) SK Dekan -Blok 3.3- Ketrampilan Klinik Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand. (Unpublished)

ICT FK UA, ICT FK UA (2019) SK Dekan Blok 2.2 -KK Revisi Periode November 2018. FK Unand. (Unpublished)

ICT FK UA, ICT FK UA (2019) SK Dekan Blok 3.3 - Pleno Narasumber Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand. (Unpublished)

ICT FK UA, ICT FK UA (2019) SK Dekan Blok 3.3- Pleno Moderator - Revisi Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand. (Unpublished)

ICT FK UA, ICT FK UA (2019) SK Dekan Blok 4.2 -Ketrampilan Klinik Periode Oktober 2018. FK Unand.

ICT FK UA, ICT FK UA (2019) SK Dekan Blok 4.3 - Belajar Mandiri Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

ICT FK UA, ICT FK UA (2019) SK Dekan Pembuat Soal Blok 4.3 Ganjil 2018-2019. FK Unand.

ICT FK UA, ICT FK UA (2019) SK Dekan Pembuat Soal OSCE KK 1,3,5 dan 7 Ganjil 2018-2019. FK Unand.

ICT FK UA, ICT FK UA (2019) SK Dekan Pengawas Blok 3.3 Ganjil 2017-2018. FK Unand.

ICT FK UA, ICT FK UA (2019) SK Dekan Pengawas Blok 3.3 Remedial Ganjil 2018-2019. FK Unand.

ICT FK UA, ICT FK UA (2019) SK Pengawas Blok 3.2 Ganjil 2018-2019. FK Unand.

ICT FK UA, ICT FK UA (2019) SK Pengawas Blok Munculan 3.1 Genap 2017 -2018. FK Unand.

ICT FK UA, ICT FK UA (2019) SK Pengawas Make Up Test Blok 3.1 Genap 2017-2018. FK Unand.

ICT FK UA, ICT FK UA (2019) SK Penyusun Soal Blok X.2 Ganjil 2018-2019. FK Unand.

ICT FK UA, ICT FK UA (2019) SK Penyusunan Soal Blok X.3 Ganjil 2018-2019. FK Unand.

ICT FK UA, ICT FK UA (2019) Surat Tugas Koordinator CBT Center Agustus 2018. FK Unand.

ICT FK Unand, ICT FK Unand (2019) SK Koordinator IBA Institusi Soal TO UKMPPD ke 44 Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.


Nurdan, Jon Hendri and Sjafrizal, Sjafrizal and Handra, Hefrizal and Dasman, Hardisman (2019) Performance Analysis of Indonesian Public Hospitals: A Panel Data Method. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 10 (4). pp. 447-452.


Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) Jumlah Mahasiswa FK Unand Per Prodi 2018/2019. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 4.1 - Sebagai Tutor Periode Oktober 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 2.1 - Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 2.1 -Pleno Moderator Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 2.1 Ketrampilan Klinik Oktober 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 2.1 Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 2.1- Belajar Mandiri Periode Oktober 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 2.1-Pleno Narasumber periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 2.2 - Ketrampilan Klinik Periode November 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 2.2 -Pleno Moderator Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 2.2 -Tutor Blok Periode November 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 2.2 Belajar Mandiri Periode November 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 2.2 Pleno Narasumber Periode Desember. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 3.1 Kuliah pengantar Periode Oktober 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 3.1- Belajar Mandiri Periode Oktober 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 3.1- Sebagai Tutor Periode Oktober 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 3.2 - Ketrampilan Klinik Periode November 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 3.2 - Pleno Moderator Periode November 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 3.2 - Pleno Narasumber Periode November 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 3.2 Sebagai Tutor Periode November 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 3.2-Belajar Mandiri Periode November 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 3.3 -Belajar Mandiri Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 3.3 -Kuliah Pengantar Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 3.3 -Pleno Moderator Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 3.3 Instruktur Ketrampilan Klinik Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 3.3 Ketrampilan Klinik Ganjil 2018-2019. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 3.3 Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 3.3- Pleno Narasumber Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 4.1 - Belajar Mandiri Periode Oktober 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 4.1-Ketrampilan Klinik Periode Oktober 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 4.1-Kuliah Pengantar Periode Oktober 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 4.1-Pleno Moderator Periode Oktober 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 4.2 - Pleno Moderator Periode Oktober 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 4.2 - Pleno Moderator Periode Oktober 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 4.2 -Ketrampilan Klinik Oktober 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 4.2 Sebagai Tutor Periode November 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 4.2- Kuliah Pengantar Periode November 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 4.3 - Belajar mandiri Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 4.3 - Ketrampilan Klinik Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 4.3 - Pleno Narasumber Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 4.3 -Pleno Moderator Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 4.3 Sebagai Tutor Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Blok 4.3- Kuliah Pengantar Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan MKWU Ganjil 2018-2019. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan MKWU Ganjil 2018-2019 Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Mengawas Ujian progress test Mhs 2015 Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Panitia Pelaksana OSCE Ketrampilan Klinik VI ( OSCE KK VI ) Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Panitia Progress Test Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pemberi Kuliah MKWU Ganjil 2018-2019. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pemberi Kuliah Pengantar Metlit Periode November 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pembuat Blok 1.1 Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pembuat Blok Soal Blok 2.1 Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pembuat Soal Blok 1.1 Ganjil 2018-2019. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pembuat Soal Blok 1.2 Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pembuat Soal Blok 1.3 Ganjil 2018-2019. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pembuat Soal Blok 2.2 Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pembuat Soal Blok 2.3 Ganjil 2018-2019 Periode Desember. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pembuat Soal Blok 3.1 Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pembuat Soal Blok 3.2 Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pembuat Soal Blok 3.3 Ganjil 2018-2019. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pembuat Soal Blok 4.1 Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pembuat Soal Blok 4.2 Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pembuat Soal Metlit Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pembuat Soal OSCE KK 1,3,5 dan 7 Ganjil 2018-2019. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pembuat Soal Progress Test Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pembuat Soal TO UKMPPD ke 47 Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengawas Blok 3.1 Periode Oktober 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengawas Blok 3.2- Remedial Periode November 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengawas Blok 3.3 Ganjil 2017-2018 Periode Desember. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengawas Blok 3.3 Remedial Ganjil 2018-2019 Periode Desember. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengawas Blok 3.3-Ujian Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengawas Blok 4.2 - Remedial Periode November 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengawas Blok 4.3 Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengawas Blok Munculan 3.1 Genap 2017-2018 Periode Desember. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengawas UTS FOME I Periode Oktober 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengawas Ujian Blok 2.2 Periode Oktober 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengawas Ujian Blok 2.3 -Remedial Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengawas Ujian Blok 2.3 Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengawas Ujian Blok 3.2 Ganjil 2018-2019 Periode Desember. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengawas Ujian Blok 4.3 Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengawas Ujian Make Up Test Blok 3.1 Genap 2017-2018 Periode Desember. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengawas Ujian Progress Test Mhs 2017 Periode Desember. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengelola Blok 1.1 Ganjil 2018-2019. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengelola Blok 1.2 Ganjil 2018-2019 Periode Desember. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengelola Blok 1.3 -Munculan Periode Juli 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengelola Blok 1.3 Ganjil 2018-2019 Periode Desember. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengelola Blok 1.3-Munculan2 Periode Juli 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengelola Blok 2.1 Ganjil 2018-2019 Periode Desember. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengelola Blok 2.2 Ganjil 2018-2019 Periode Desember. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengelola Blok 2.3 Ganjil 2018-2019 Periode Desember. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengelola Blok 3.1 Ganjil 2018 -2019 Periode Desember. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengelola Blok 3.3 Ganjil 2018-2019 Periode Desember. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengelola Blok 4.1 Ganjil 2018-2019 Periode Desember. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengelola Blok 4.2 Ganjil 2018-2019 Periode Desember. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengelola Blok 4.3 -Munculan Periode Desember. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengelola Blok Genap 2017-2018 Blok 1.5 Periode Desember. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengelola Blok Genap 2017-2018 Blok 1.6 Periode Desember. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengelola Blok Genap 2017-2018 Blok 2.5. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengelola Blok Genap 2017-2018 Blok 2.6. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengelola Blok Genap 2017-2018 Blok 3.5. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pengelola Blok Genap 2017-2018 Blok 3.6. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Penginput Soal Sipena Blok X.1 Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Penginput Soal Sipena Blok X.2 Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Penginput Soal Sipena Blok X.3 Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Penglola Blok 3.2 Ganjil 2018-2019 Periode Desember. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Penyusun Soal Blok X.2 Ganjil 2018-2019. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Penyusun Soal Blok X.3 Ganjil 2018-2019. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Pleno Moderator Ganjil Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Praktikum Blok 1.3 -Bagian Histologi Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Praktikum Blok 1.3 Bagian Anatomi Periode Desember. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Sebagai Instruktur Ketrampilan Klinik Blok 2.3 ( Gangguan Endokrin,Nutrisi dan Metabolisme) Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Sebagai Narasumber Plenary Blok 2.3 Periode Desember 2019. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Sebagai Pemberi Kuliah Pengantar Blok 2.3 Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Sebagai Pembimbing belajar Mandiri Blok 2.3 periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Sebagai pemberi Kuliah Pengantar FOME Blok 2.3 periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Surat Tugas CBT Center Oktober 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan Surat Tugas Koordinator CBT Center November 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan kuliah Pengantar Blok 3.3 -Revisi Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan mengawas Ujian Progress Test Mhs 2016 Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Dekan pengelola Metlit Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Koordinator IBA Institusi Soal TO UKMPPD ke 45 Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Koordinator IBA Institusi Soal TO UKMPPD ke 46 Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Koordinator IBA Institusi Soal TO UKMPPD ke 47 Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Moderator Blok 2.3 ( Gangguan Endokrin, Nutrisi dan metabolisme)Periode Desember 2019. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Pembuat Soal Blok 1.1 Ganjil 2018-2019 Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Pembuat Soal Blok 3.3 Ganjil 2018-2019- Revisi Periode Desember. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Penguji OSCE KK VI periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

Pebriyantoson, Pebriyantoson (2019) SK Praktikum Blok 1.3 Bagian Biokimia Periode Desember 2018. FK Unand.

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This list was generated on Sat Mar 29 10:32:16 2025 WIB.