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Mahata, maria endo and Dharma, Abdi and Ryanto, H. Irsan and Rizal, Yose (2018) Characterization of Extracellular Chitinase from Bacterial Isolate 99 and Enterobacter sp. G-1 from Matsue City, Japan. Microbiol Indones, 2 (1). pp. 34-38. ISSN 1978-3477
Handayani, Ulvi Fitri and Wizna, Wizna and Suliansyah, Irfan and Rizal, Yose and Mahata, Maria Endo (2018) Effects of Heating Method on Lycopene, Dry Matter and Nutrient Content of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) Waste as Laying Hen Feed. International journal of poultry science, 17 (2). pp. 63-70. ISSN 1682-8356
Handayani, Ulvi Fitri and Wizna, Wizna and Suliansyah, Irfan and Rizal, Yose and Mahata, Maria Endo (2018) Effects of Heating Method on Lycopene, Dry Matter and Nutrient Content of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) Waste as Laying Hen Feed. International journal of poultry science, 17 (2). pp. 63-70. ISSN 1682-8356
Mahata, maria endo and Rizal, Yose and Ardi, Ardi and Hermansyah, Dedek and Nurhuda, Gina A. (2016) Effects of Boiled Tomato Waste Utilization in the Diet on Serum Lipid Profile and Egg Quality of Laying-hens. International journal of poultry science, 15 (12). pp. 493-496. ISSN 1682-8356
Mahata, maria endo and Manik, Jamaluddin and Taufik, Muhammad and Rizal, Yose and Ardi, Ardi (2016) Effect of Different Combinations of Unboiled and Boiled Tomato Waste in Diet on Performance, Internal Organ Development and Serum Lipid Profile of Broiler Chicken. International journal of poultry science, 15 (17). pp. 283-286. ISSN 1682-8356
Rizal, Yose and Mahata, Maria Endo and Wu, Guoyao and Maryudi, Hapris and Andriani, Mira (2015) Improving the Nutrient Quality of Carrot and Fruit Juice Wastes Mixture for Poultry Diet Through Utilization of Rice-Hull Ash Filtrate. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 14 (3). pp. 126-130. ISSN 1680-5194
Rizal, Yose and Nuraini, Nuraini and Mirnawati, Mirnawati and Mahata, Maria Endo and Darman, Rio and Kurniawan, Dendi (2015) Production Performance of Gold Arab Laying-Hens Fed Diet Containing Neurospora crassa Fermented Palm Kernel Cake. International journal of poultry science, 14 (12). pp. 628-632. ISSN 1682-8356
Rizal, Yose and Nuraini, Nuraini and Mirnawati, Mirnawati and Mahata, Maria Endo (2013) Comparisons of Nutrient Contents and Nutritional Values of Palm Kernel Cake Fermented by Using Different Fungi. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 12 (10). pp. 943-948. ISSN 1680-5194
Mahata, maria endo and Sasti, Mailinda Juwita and Aryani, Regina Septia and Rizal, Yose and Wu, Guoyao (2013) The Effect of Improved Juice Wastes Mixture (IJWM) for Corn Substitution on Broilers' Performance. International journal of poultry science, 12 (2). pp. 102-106. ISSN 1682-8356
Harnentis, Harnentis and Marlida, Yetti and Rizal, Yose and Mahata, Maria Endo (2013) Isolation, Characterization and Production of Mannanase from Thermophilic Bacteria to Increase the Feed Quality. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 12 (4). pp. 360-364. ISSN 1680-5194
Wizna, Wizna and Abbas, Hafil and Rizal, Yose and Muis, Helmi (2012) The Effect of Supplementation of Micro Nutrient on Nutrient Rice Bran Which Fermented by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 11 (5). pp. 439-443. ISSN 1680-5194
Mahata, maria endo and Rizal, Yose and Wu, Guoyao (2012) Improving the Nutrient Quality of Juice Waste Mixture by Steam Pressure for Poultry Diet. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 11 (2). pp. 172-175. ISSN 1680-5194
Rizal, Yose and Mahata, Maria Endo and Joli, Indra and Wu, Guoyao (2012) Improving the Nutrient Quality of Juice Wastes Mixture Through Fermentation by Using Trichodherma viride for Poultry Diet. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 11 (3). pp. 203-207. ISSN 1680-5194
Wizna, Wizna and Abbas, Hafil and Rizal, Yose and Dharma, Abdi and Kompiang, Putu (2009) Improving the Quality of Tapioca By-Products (Onggok) as Poultry Feed Through Fermentation by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 8 (10). pp. 1636-1640. ISSN 1680-5194
Wizna, Wizna and Abbas, Hafil and Rizal, Yose and Dharma, Abdi and Kompiang, Putu (2009) Influence of Dietary Fermented Tapioca By-Products on the Performance of Broilers and Ducklings. International journal of poultry science, 8 (9). pp. 902-904. ISSN 1682-8356
Mahata, maria endo and Dharma, Abdi and Ryanto, H. Irsan and Rizal, Yose (2008) Effect of Substituting Shrimp Waste Hydrolysate of Penaeus merguensisfor Fish Meal in Broiler Performance. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 7 (6). pp. 806-810. ISSN 1680-5194
Wizna, Wizna and Abbas, Hafil and Rizal, Yose and Dharma, Abdi and Kompiang, Putu (2008) Improving the Quality of Sago Pith and Rumen Content Mixture as Poultry Feed Through Fermentation by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 7 (2). pp. 249-254. ISSN 1680-5194
Mahata, Maria endo and Mahlil, Yusuf and Fajri, Yusuf and Aditia, Riko and Rizal, Yose (2014) The utilization of red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) peel as broiler feed. In: The international Society for Southeast Asian Agricultural Science, Inc. (ISSAAS), 8-10 November 2014, Setagaya, Tokyo, Japan.
Mahata, Maria endo and Rizal, Yose and Ardi, Ardi (2018) tomat (Lycopersicon esculentum) limbah sebagai bahan pakan alternatif ternak unggas. Sukabina Press, Indonesia.
MARIA ENDO MAHATA, YOSE RIZAL, DAN ARDI (2018) TOMAT (Lycopersicon Esculentum) limbah sebagai bahan pakan alternatif ternak unggas. 000132633.
Rizal, Yose Artikel 1 Reducing Salt Prof. Yose Rizal. FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.
Rizal, Yose Artikel Nasional 3 Prof. Yose Rizal. FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.
Rizal, Yose Artikel Nasional 4 Prof. Yose Rizal. FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.
Rizal, Yose Artikel Nasional Prof. Yose Rizal. FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.
Rizal, Yose Bukti Korespondensi Prof. Yose Rizal Reducing Salt (NaCL). FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.
Rizal, Yose Korespondensi JITA Prof. Yose Rizal. FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.
Rizal, Yose Turniitn Jurnal 10 The Effects of Dietary Inclusion Prof. Yose Rizal. FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.
Rizal, Yose Turniitn Jurnal 15 The effect of supplementation Prof. Yose Rizal. FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.
Rizal, Yose Turniitn Jurnal 4 Improving the quality of tapioca Prof. Yose Rizal. FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.
Rizal, Yose Turniitn Jurnal 8 Use of Serratia marcescens Prof. Yose Rizal. FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.
Rizal, Yose Turniitn Jurnal 9 Improving the Nutrient Quality Prof. Yose Rizal. FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.
Rizal, Yose Turnitin 1 Jurnal Improving the quality of sago pith Prof. Yose Rizal. FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.
Rizal, Yose Turnitin 13 Comparisons of nutrient contents Prof. Yose Rizal. FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.
Rizal, Yose Turnitin 8 Jurnal Determination of the best method Prof. Yose Rizal. FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.
Rizal, Yose Turnitin JUrnal 17 Production Performance Prof. Yose Rizal. FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.
Rizal, Yose Turnitin Jurnal 1 Prof. Yose Rizal. FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.
Rizal, Yose Turnitin Jurnal 10 Improving the Nutrient Quality Prof. Yose Rizal. FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.
Rizal, Yose Turnitin Jurnal 12 The Effects of Improved Juice Prof. Yose Rizal. FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.
Rizal, Yose Turnitin Jurnal 14 Isolation, characterization and production Prof. Yose Rizal. FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.
Rizal, Yose Turnitin Jurnal 16 Improving the nutrient quality Prof. Yose Rizal. FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.
Rizal, Yose Turnitin Jurnal 18 Effect of Different Combinatione Prof. Yose Rizal. FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.
Rizal, Yose Turnitin Jurnal 19 Effect of Heating Method on Lycopene Prof. Yose Rizal. FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.
Rizal, Yose Turnitin Jurnal 2 Determination of Prof. Yose Rizal. FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.
Rizal, Yose Turnitin Jurnal 2 Effect of substituting shrimp Prof. Yose Rizal. FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.
Rizal, Yose Turnitin Jurnal 3 Effect of nutritional supplements Prof. Yose Rizal. FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.
Rizal, Yose Turnitin Jurnal 4 Determination of the appropriate Prof. Yose Rizal. FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.
Rizal, Yose Turnitin Jurnal 6 The role of humic acid in palm Prof. Yose Rizal. FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.
Rizal, Yose Turnitin Jurnal 7 Identification of bioactive Prof. Yose Rizal. FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.
Rizal, Yose Turnitin Jurnal 9 The Performance of Broiler Chickens Prof. Yose Rizal. FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.
Rizal, Yose Turnitin Prosiding 1 The effect of duration Prof. Yose Rizal. FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.
Rizal, Yose Turnitin Prosiding 3 The Effect of Dosage Prof. Yose Rizal. FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.
Rizal, Yose Turntin Jurnal 3 Influence of dietary Prof. Yose Rizal. FakultasPeternakanUniversitasAndalas.