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Available online www.jsaer.com Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 2017, 4(10):
483-488 Research Article ISSN: 2394-2630 CODEN(USA): JSERBR Improved Quality of Lamtoro Leaf Meal Fermented Bacillus laterosporus with the Addition of Supplement Methionin-lysine Synthetic Nita Yessirita1, Tinda Afriani2, Sunadi3 1Faculty
of Agriculture Ekasakti University, Veteran Dalam Street No 26 B Padang
2Faculty of
Animal Husbandry, Andalas University,
Campus Unand
Limau Manis Padang 25163, Indonesia
3Faculty of Agriculture, Tamansiswa University, Tamansiswa Street No. 9 Padang 25138, Indonesia
Abstract This study aimed to determine the
provision of optimal amino acid methionine-lysine in fermentation leucaena leaf meal (LLM) with Bacillus laterosporus for the preparation of ration ducks. This study
used a completely randomized design with three replications.
A = LLM fermentation
Bacillus laterosporus+0% supplement amino acid methionine-lysine (control), B = A+0.25% methionine+0.50% lysine, C = A+0.30% methionine+0.75% lysine, D = A+0.35% methionine+1.00% lysine and E = A+0.40% methionine+1.50% lysine. Parameters measured were amino acids methionine and lysine after methionine-lysine supplementation. The result indicated that the content of the amino acid methionine for the addition of amino acid supplements methionine-lysine was not significant
but significant (P<0.05) the
content of the amino acid lysine. It can be concluded that supplementation of amino acid methionine 0.40%+1.50% lysine to LLM fermentation with Bacillus laterosporus gives the best results. Keywords supplementation, amino acid, fermentation, Bacillus laterosporus Introduction The content of nutrients produced in the fermentation process, especially protein increases, it is caused by bacteria / microorganism during fermentation containing single cell protein and also produce enzymes that count as protein. On the other hand the product of fermentation produces the nucleic acid that is non protein nitrogen (NPN) which is not a protein so that the use in poultry should be tested to determine whether the amino acids of proteins containing amino acids are good [1]. By products of fermentation is a nucleic acid which is a protein that contains NPN where proteins are not utilized optimally in poultry because it does not have the enzyme ribonuclease and will be discarded along with the feces, so that the resulting protein is not a protein-containing amino acids are complete. Then added [2] that Leucaena deficiency in amino acids methionine and lysine, to be used optimally need additional methionine amino acid lysine synthesis. A protein quality feed ingredient, among others, determined
by the completeness and balance of
amino acids
contained therein. High-quality proteins usually contain essential amino acids complete, the numbers are sufficient and balanced. The preparation of poultry rations is now the focus of attention is no longer on the amount of protein that must be provided, but more attention to the balance between the energy
of the essential amino acids,
amino acids can
be synthesized
body [3], so it needs to be supplied in the ration is consumed by the addition of amino acid synthesis. Amino acids are the fundamental building blocks of protein. About 22 different amino acids contained in the proteins of the body. All that is not to be available in poultry rations and can be synthesized in the body. but the amino acids are the following: lysine, arginine, histidine, leucine, isoleucine, valine, methionine, threonine, phenylalanine tryptophan and its presence in the diet is absolutely necessary because the duck can not synthesize in the body, it is classified as ten amino acid essential [4]. Methionine is one of the essential amino acids, therefore must be provided in the diet in sufficient quantities, in addition to the amino acid methionine is a major barrier in chicken rations [5]. Furthermore, [6] suggests that the methionine is a substance that is essential for poultry, which is in line with the statement [7] and [8], that the establishment of the breast meat in broilers is very sensitive influenced by methionine in the rations. Lysine which has many uses in the body is an amino acid that can not be synthesized by the body of the chicken, so classified in essential amino acids are critical for very low levels in the feed. Due to the lack of essential amino acids in feed ingredients, then chicken rations need to be supplemented with synthetic lysine amino acid in accordance with the needs of the poultry [9]. Furthermore, in preparing the feed of poultry is highly considered amino acids methionine-lysine, because amino acids are essential amino acids and are also called amino acids barrier that must be brought in from outside because the poultry can not produce it themselves, an amino acid that is not derived from plant materials but from the animal. Methionine is an amino acid deficiency-lysine of vegetable can also be met by the addition of methionine-lysine synthesis. Thus will lysine methionine amino acid supplementation on quality of leucaena leaf meal fermented with Bacillus laterosporus needs to be done. It is expected to help farmers reduce the use of fish meal and soybean meal in poultry rations. Material
and Methods
study was conducted at the
Laboratory of
Kopertis Region X Padang and the Integrated Laboratory of IPB Bogor and the Center For Post Harvest Development in Bogor, Year of 2016. The studies include the enrichment of the bacteria to gain rejuvenation and manufacture of inoculum fermentation bacteria (Bacillus laterosporus) as well as the manufacture of products leucaena leaf meal (LLM) fermented with Bacillus laterosporus without the addition of amino acid supplements-lysine and methionine plus supplemental amino acids methionine-lysine by using a Complete Randomized Design (CRD), 5 treatments with 3 replications. Parameters measured were amino acids methionine, lysine without and after supplementation of amino acids lysine and methionine and also betacarotene content. The composition of the treatment is: A = LLM Ferm Bac. laterosporus without supplement met-lysine (as control) B = LLM Ferm Bac. laterosporus + 0,25% and 0,50% supplement met-lysine C = LLM Ferm Bac. laterosporus + 0,30% and 0,75% supplement met-lysine D = LLM Ferm Bac. laterosporus + 0,35% and 1,00% supplement met-lysine E = LLM Ferm Bac. laterosporus + 0,40% and 1,25% supplement met-lysine
Results of analysis of variance
included in
to determine the effect of treatment.
Test of DMNRT at the level of 5% was used to compare between treatments. Data was analyzed according to the procedures of [10]. Leucaena leaf meal fermentation process with Bacillus laterosporus, according to the following procedure: 1. Substrate preparation leucaena leaf Leucaena. Leucaena used in this study, is a local leucaena that have a high 2-5 m, located was obtained around the City of Padang, West Sumatera, the leaves are taken, then the oven temperature of 600C for 24 hours, then milled to be used as LLM. 2. Preparation of inoculums. Making inoculum using substrates bran 100 g plus 60 ml of distilled water in the autoclave for 30 minutes at a temperature of 120oC, 1 atm and then cooled to a temperature of about 37 °C. Taken tube containing isolate, add 20 ml of distilled water, then crushed loopful. Furthermore then in vortex so that a homogeneous solution, mix into a plastic isolate containing bran, stirring until evenly distributed and closed then a hole to keep the aeration. Incubated for 24 hours at a temperature of 370C. 3. Procedure of fermentation. Dry substrate LLM weighed with a weight of 1 kg. Added 800 ml of distilled water. Then autoclaved for 30 minutes at a temperature of 1210C, 1 atm. After that inoculated with Bacillus laterosporus as much as 6% of the amount of substrate, then incubated for 24 hours [11], so the fermented product is dried at 600C for 24 hours. The dried product ready for use. The process of making meal products leucaena leaf meal are fermented Bacillus laterosporus for amino acids and betacarotene analysis, the best results are used for further research. The process of making leucaena leaf meal of product fermented with Bacillus laterosporus which can be seen in Figure 1. Leucaena Leaf Meal Add Aquades as much as 80% Autoclave 1210 C during 30 menit Cooling at room temperature Inoculation with Bacillus laterosporus doses of 6%, Incubation temperature of 370C for 24 hour Fermentation products Figure 1: Making procedures LLM fermentation with Bacillus laterosporus (modified from [12]). Targeted Results 1. Getting the best level LLM fermented with Bacillus laterosporus with a dose of 6% and fermentation time 24 hours, the best before and after supplementation be given lysine amino acid methionine. 2. Getting the analysis of amino acids methionine and lysine fermentation leucaena leaf meal best products before and after the supplements of amino acids methionine-lysine. Results and Discussion Effect of Amino Acid Supplementation on Methionine-lysine content of Methionine Amino Acid Fermentation Products Methionine amino acid content of LLM fermentation products methionine-lysine supplements given during the study are: Table 1: Mean content of amino acids methionine LLM fermentation given supplements methionine-lysine for research. Treatment The Content of Metionin (%) 0,183a A = LLM ferm without treatment B = LLM ferm Bac. laterosporus + 0.25% methionine + 0.50% lysine C = LLM ferm Bac. laterosporus + 0.30% methionine + 0.75% lysine D = LLM ferm Bac. laterosporus + 0.35% methionine + 1.00% lysine E = LLM ferm Bac. laterosporus + 0.40% methionine + 1.25% lysine 0,200a 0,207a 0,208a 0,300a The
numbers followed by the same letter are not significantly different according
DNMRT on a real level 5% Results of variance showed that the level of supplementation of amino acids Methionine-lysine to methionine amino acid content of LLM fermentation products provide no
significant effect (P> 0.05). The
results in Table 1 showed that the level of supplementation
with the amino acid methionine-
lysine to
amino acids
fermented leucaena leaf meal (LLM) showed that the treatment E (Extra supplement amino acids 0.40% methionine + 1.25% lysine) increased content the amino acid methionine highest compared with other treatments is 0.30% and the value is better than the results of the control that is 0.183%. Described by the [13-15] that methionine is an amino acid superior to other amino acids in the increased weight of the eggs, as an amino acid synthetic in the form of a mixture of DL-methionine acts as a donor methyl, utilization in the form of isomer 100%, so it plays a role in helping other metabolism in the body such as metabolism choline, protein and carbohydrates. Synthetic
amino acids
be used to meet the
needs of limiting
acids useful for the reduction of
amino acids as part of
the feed
[16]. Added [17] required
the addition of amino acids methionine
0.1%-0.2% in the ration to increase egg weight and high usage efficiency ration. According to [18] Supplementation of L-methionine and L-Linin amino acids have an effect on the decrease of abdominal fat deposits in broilers, so that the duration of spawning time becomes longer. Effect of amino acid supplementation on methionine-lysine content of lysine amino acid fermentation products. Lysine amino acid content of leucaena leaf meal fermentation products methionine-lysine supplements given during the study are: Table 2: Mean content of amino acids lysine LLM fermentation given supplements methionine-lysine for research Treatment The Content of Lysine (%) 0.873a A = LLM ferm without treatment B = LLM ferm Bac. laterosporus + 0.25% methionine + 0.50% lysine C = LLM ferm Bac. laterosporus + 0.30% methionine + 0.75% lysine D = LLM ferm Bac. laterosporus + 0.35% methionine + 1.00% lysine E = LLM ferm Bac. laterosporus + 0.40% methionine + 1.25% lysine 0.993ab 1.193ab 1.063ab 1.353b The
numbers followed by the same letter are not significantly different according
DNMRT on a real level 5% Results of variance showed that the level of supplementation of amino acids methionine-lysine to the amino acids lysine of LLM fermentation products provide a significantly different effect (P <0.05). The results in Table 2 showed that the level of supplementation with the amino acid methionine-lysine to the amino acids lysine fermented of LLM showed that the treatment E (Extra supplement amino acids 0.40% methionine + 1.25% lysine) increased content the amino acid lysine highest compared with other treatments is 1.353% and the value is better than the results of the control that is 0.873%. Described by [19] and [9] that lysine which have many uses in the body is an amino acid that can not be synthesized by the body of the chicken, so classified in essential amino acids essential for very low levels in the feed. Lysine produce energy inhibits the formation of fat. Due to the lack of essential amino acids in feed ingredients, then chicken rations need to be supplemented with synthetic lysine amino acid in accordance with the needs of livestock. Furthermore, [20] states that the supplementation of the amino acid methionine (0.47%) and lysine (1.1%) with a protein content of 15% can increase the performance of crossbred Mojosari-Alabio ducks. Effect of amino acid supplementation on methionine-lysine content of betacarotene fermentation products. Betacarotene content of leucaena leaf meal fermentation products with the Methionine-lysine can be seen in bar chart on Figure 2. Betacarotene is a carotenoid group unstable and easily oxygenated become xanthophyl and xanthophyl must come from outside because the poultry are not able to synthesize [21-22]. Obtained from the treatment accorded treatment supplementation of amino acids methionine 0.40% + 1.25% lysine gives the best results betacarotene namely 68, 49%. β 70 C 60 A 50 R 40 O 30 T 20 E 10 N 0 E ( ) % A B C D E FERMENTATION PRODUCT OF SEVERAL TREATMENT Figure 2: Betacarotene content of fermentation product in several treatments Conclusion The research results can be concluded that treatment of fermentation obtained leucaena leaf meal (LLM) with supplementation of
amino acids methionine and lysine
of 0.
methionine and
are best able to improve the content of 24.22% methionine and 21.56% lysine compared with no treatment (control). Acknowledgements Submitted to
the Directorate of Research and Community Services Directorate General
Strengthening Research and Development of the Ministry
Research, Technology and Higher Education
Competitive Research Grant, according to the letter agreement Assignment
Implementation Research Program Number:
February 2016 Contract No: 109 / contract research II/010/KM/ 2016, date of February 22, 2016. References [1]. Scott, M.L., M.C Nesheim dan R.J Young. 1991. Nutrition and management of ducks. M.I. Scott of Ithaca, Ithaca, NY. pp:74-78. [2]. Laconi, E.B. dan T. Widiyastuti. 2010. Kandungan Xanthofil daun Leucaena (Leucaena leucochepala) hasil detoksifikasi Mimosin secara fisik dan kimia. J. Media Peternakan. 33(1): 50 – 54. (in Indonesia) [3]. Aisjah, T., R. Wiradimadja dan Abun. 2007. Suplementasi Metionin dalam ransum berbasis lokal terhadap imbangan efisiensi protein pada ayam pedaging. Laporan Penelitian. Jurusan Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung. (in Indonesia) [4]. National Research Council [NRC]. 1994. Nutrient Requirement of Poultry. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. USA. [5]. Weerden, E.J., J.B. Schutte and H.L. Bertran. 1984. Comparison of D.L. Methionine, D.L. Methionine Analogue Free Acid with Layers. Poultry Sci. 63:1793 – 1799. [6]. Schutte, J.B. J. De Jong, W. Smink, and M. Pack. 1997. Replacement Value of Betaine for D.L. Methionine in Male Broiler Chicks. Poultry Sci. 76:321-325. [7]. Huyghebaert, G., M. Pack and G. de Groote. 1994. Influence of Protein Concen-tration on the Response of Broilers to Supplemental D.L. Methionine. Arch. Gefliigelhd. 58(1): 23-29. [8]. Schutte, J.B., and M. Pack. 1995. Sulfur Amino Acid Requirement of Broiler Chicks. From Fourteen to Thirty Eight of Age: I Performance and Carcass Yield. Poultry Sci. 74:480 – 487. [9]. Anggorodi, R. 1995. Nutrisi Aneka Ternak Unggas. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta. (in Indonesia) [10]. Steel, R. G. D. dan J. H. Torie. 1995. Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika. Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik. PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta. (in Indonesia) [11]. Yessirita, N., H. Abbas., Y. Heryandi dan A. Dharma. 2012. Effect of dose and time of leaf Leucaena (leucaena leucocephala) Fermentation with Bacillus laterosporus to dry matter, crude protein and crude fiber. Proceeding in International Seminae 1st Indonesian Poultry Science Seminar on September 11 – 12, p: 367 – 372. Faculty of Animal Science, University of Andalas, Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia, in Conjunction with WPSA Indonesia Branch. [12]. Fardiaz, S. 1989. Penuntun Praktek Mikrobiologi Pangan. Penerbit IPB, Bogor. (in Indonesia) [13]. Leeson, S dan J. D. Summers. 2001. Comercial Poultry Nutrition. Thirth Edition. Departement of Animal and Poultry Science. University of Guelph Ontariom, Canada. [14]. Safaa, H.M., D.G. Valencia., E. Arbe., E. Jibenez-Morena., R. Lazaro., G.G. Moteos G.G. 2008. Effect of the level of Methionine, linoleic acid and added fat in the diet on productive poerformance and egg quality on Brown laying hen the late phaseroduction. Poult. Sci. 87(8):1595-602. [15]. Keshavarz, K. 2003. Effects of reducing dietary protein, Methionine, Choline, Folic Acid, and Vitamin B12 During the late stages of the egg production Cycle on Performance and Eggshell Quality. Poultry Science. 82:1407 – 1414. [16]. Trisiwia, HF. 2016. The Effects of Different Starter Dietary Protein Levels on Performance of Super Native Chicken. Jurnal Ilmiah Peternakan Terpadu Vol. 4(3): 256-262. [17]. Shen, T.F. 1985. Nutrient Requirement of Egg-Laying Duck in : Duck Production Science and World Practice. Farrel, D. J and Starpeleton (Ed). Univ of New England. Indarmidale. [18]. Hidayat, C. 2015. Reducing Abdominal Fat Deposition in Broiler through Feeding Management. Wartazoa Vol. 25 No. 3: 125-134 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14334/wartazoa. v25i.1157. [19]. Zainuddin, D. 1990. Penentuan Kebutuhan Asam Amino dan Energi Metabolis untuk produksi Telur Ayam Tipe Medium di Daerah Tropis. Disertasi. Fakultas Pasca Sarjana Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor. (in Indonesia) [20]. Silitonga, L. 2003. Supplementasi asam amino Lisin dan Metionin sintesia dalam ransum dari bahan nabati terhadap performans itik persilangan Mojosari Alabio. Thesis. Program Pascasarjana, IPB, Bogor. (in Indonesia) [21]. Hausmann, A and G. Sandmann. 2000. A single five-step desaturase is involved in the carotenoid biosynthetis pathway to beta-carotene and torulene in Neuspora crassa. J. Genet. Biol. 30(2): 147-53. [22]. Fenita, Y., U. Santoso, H. Prakoso. 2010. Pengaruh suplemen Metionin Lisin dan Triptophan dalam ransum berbasis lumpur sawit fermentasi terhadap performa, produksi dan kualitas telur ayam ras. Jurnal Sains Peternakan Indonesia. 5(2):105-114. (in Indonesia) Yessirita N et al
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